Recap: American Idol in San Francisco, CA

American Idol’s last audition episode aired last night! In case you missed it, here’s a recap:

In other American Idol news, The New York Times published a very nice review of Jennifer’s stint on Idol. Here’s an excerpt:

A multimedia star with a far higher profile than Mr. Tyler, Ms. Lopez is a radiant presence. But while her hair and wardrobe budget must be 10 times her fellow judges’ — and worth it — thus far, she’s appeared to be purposefully downplaying. With her seated in the center chair, there are echoes of Paula Abdul, but Ms. Lopez is far more centered, and far more insightful.

And measured, too. Often she says little to contestants, largely the ones who don’t deserve a full assessment. But when she commits to a critique, it’s direct and refreshing, a combination of industry savvy and emotional comfort.

You can read the entire article on their website.

The first episode of Hollywood Week airs tonight at 8 PM on Fox, so don’t miss it!