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Happy Birthday Jennifer!

Happy Birthday Jennifer!! We sincerely hope you have an amazing birthday and enjoy your gifts from your Beyond Beautiful JLovers!

For the past 3 weeks, we have been raising money for the Boys & Girls Club of America. So many fans have generously united to pitch in and show their JLOVE? over these past few weeks. Our original goal was $1,500 and we are very proud to exceeded that goal by raising a total of $1,855!

Here are messages from some of the generous fans who donated to the project:

Birthday wishes

Happy Birthday, Jennifer! I hope you enjoy reading through everyone’s birthday wishes and that you realize that you have inspired us all in meaningful ways. So many fans joined us and donated to the BGCA because you made a difference in their lives.

I hope you have an amazing birthday surrounded by all of the people you love most. I wish you continued success, peace, and happiness!


Heather – Admin


Happy Birthday Jennifer

Hoping you have a wonderful day with your beautiful children, family and friends.

You are truly an amazing person, who I love, admire, and respect to the end

Wishing you nothing but the best in in life and your career

I’m looking forward to all you’ll bring in the future years

Continue following your heart and enjoying what you do

♥ I will always be a fan, and supportive of you!! ♥

God Bless!!

Tee – Admin


Happy Birthday Jennifer!
Not a year older, but a year better! Can’t wait for the next single and whatever else is next!
I hope you have a great day with your family and friends.

…and I’m sorry, but I HAD to post this animated picture.smiley: embarassed It’s a huge HIT with the fans!  hahaha

Lots of love,

Stefan – Admin


Dear Jen,

Wishing you all the blessings, joy, and peace! Happy Birthday!

Love always <3,

Erika – Admin


Dear Jennifer,

From the bottom of my heart I wanna wish you a very-very-very happy 42nd birthday! Have a wonderfull day with Emme, Max and the rest of your family. I hope your day is filled with much love and happiness

You truly are a role model for us all, for your hard work, perserverance and staying true to yourself. You definitely deserve the happiness you have in your life. May your happiness continue forever!

To me, you are such a great inspiration. Your personality, the way you express yourself, your big heart, your strength and your sweetness will always be kept in my heart. So thank you for everything you’re giving to me.

God bless you and your family and continue to follow your heart in all that you do!

Love always,

Lianne – Staff


Happy Birthday, Dear Jen!!!
I hope you will have a great fabulous one filled with love and joy! God bless you and your family!
I just want to thank you for being my role model for life, my everyday inspiration. You can’t imagine how much good you’ve done for me and other people you don’t even know. You are incredible! I will always admire you!



Happy Birthday JLO!
Have a lovely day!
I just want to say what an amazing singer, dancer and actress you are!Thanks for the inspiration you have given me since the 1990’s!
Here’s too many more years of jennifer lopez, Thanks for staying so real and lovely over the years! I hope you realise how muched you are loved!
from the united kingom!
PS I Was the one your tweeted about my collection when you were in England remember!



Jen ; your life has been a blessing to so many people.
I just want to tell that I’m so glad you were born, because you brighten my life and fill it with joy.
That’s why I like to celebrate your birthday… You told that Love? is so complex and there are many questions about it.
But our love for you has never changed. We have been JLovers since the beginning.
I hope you know how much we love you.
With lots of LOVE!!!

Mehmet E. from Istanbul,Turkey


Happy Birthday Jennifer!

Luis C. (TimmyD2121) from Laredo, Texas


I made this short movie for your birthday J.Lo, and i called it (She Was Born On July) i wish you all the best, and i love you so much.

Happy Birthday Love?

J.Lopez from the Middle East, Kuwait


Jennifer!! Happy Birthday!!!
I’ve been a fan for so many years, I feel like I know you personally! You’ve been such an inspiration to me in so many ways. The most being that I am an aspiring professional dancer. I admire all the accomplishments you’ve made throughout your life, beginning from your career as a dancer. My dream job would be to dance for you one day (and just to let you know I’m really good, no joke lol) But whenever you hold auditions, they’re in LA. I would love for you to hold auditions in New York City one day. I’M READY! Anyways, I hope you have the best birthday, and may God bless you, the coconuts & your entire family!


Gabriel S. from Brooklyn, New York


Happy birthday, Jennifer! I just want to say you inspire so many people across the world. You have a special place in my heart and you continue to bring me joy, excitement, inspiration, motivation, and courage. 11 years later and I am still at awe watching you doing what you love with and for the people that you love. Life is a journey and I am truly thankful that you have become a part of my journey.

Transcending history and the world, the tale of Jennifer Lopez will always be eternally retold.

Love always,

Norin T. (joeylovesjlo), Melbourne, Australia


Happy Birthday, Jennifer!!

I’ve been a fan for 10 years and I must say you inspire me to achieve more in everything that I do! Thank you for being who you are. Hope to see you in person soon!

Wishing you more success, happiness and good health!


Anne C. (Philippines)


Dear JLo,

My name is Dhanie, I’m your biggest fan from Indonesia. I adore you since your first video If You Had My Love till now, I kept waiting till your new album release. People said to me that you’re no more hit! But I’ve always says… Forever JLo.

Well anyway Happy Birthday JLo. I wish you more success in singing and movies (as I heard) you have 3 movies in year 2012. And I just wish that I could meet you one day, that’s all the biggest dream from your Fan, like me.

Thank you and stay in #LOVE?


Dhanie A.


Happy Birthday Jennifer! I been a Fan since 1996 and still going strong! You are a force to be reckoned with. You have always been true to yourself with in the business and continue to stand strong to who you are … and that’s admirable! As a fan I have grown with you through out the years and seen how much you have grown as an artist and as a person. Your undying attention and love to your children speaks volumes. Your music and films inspire those to never give up on there dreams, and I’m one of those Dreamers. Continue to stay true and beautiful! May God Bless You and Have Wonderful Birthday!




HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNIFER! I wish you all the very best for the many years ahead.

You have been an incredible inspiration to me. I like to think of myself as your greatest Australian fan. Your music is the most frequently played on my iPod and majority of your movies are in my DVD collection, I am truly touched by your talent and the emotion in your music…I have learned so much from the way you present yourself and the sheer honesty that you give to the public and your fans. You really are one of the true GREAT people of Hollywood and I thank you for being as special as you are.

Those gorgeous twins of yours, Max and Emme, are truly lucky.

I dream of one day seeing you perform live, as you are the one musician I have wanted to see since I was a little girl.

All the best with your new role at the Boys and Girls Club of America.

Love? love? and more LOVE?

Chrissie S


Happy Birthday Jennifer,
I have been a fan for over 12 years now and have appreciated all the amazing work you have put out for us fans. Not only are you a beautiful person but your work with the Boys and Girls Club of America shows how beautiful your soul is as well. One of the best days of my life was your Toronto concert in 2007 when you reached out and grabbed my hand during “All I Have”. It was the closest I came to meeting you and I still look back on it as one of my top life moments.

I wish you nothing but the best on your birthday and hope to one day be able to say these things to you in person! Thank you again for inspiring so many with your talent. Happy Birthday Jennifer Lopez!!

Kyle (thisismethen17, Manitoba, Canada)


Happy birthday jennifer!

First and foremost i’d like to wish you another year full of blessings and happiness.
I’d like to thank you for giving me the strength to continue. You have given me so much you can’t even imagine.
keep giving us all that joy, music, movies, EVERYTHING coz all that is my motivation. Te quiero y eres UNICA.
thanx momma love?R. wish you n the coconuts the best.


@lasweetface (las vegas, NV)


Happy Birthday JLo!
Mama, you mean so much to me and your fans. I’ve been following you since Selena. I have to tell you that you are and always will be my favorite artist. I know that you may be going through a difficult time right now but I know you will pull through. You always do.  No one understands how much your fans love you and how much of a big hug we all want to give you! I love you, mama! I request your songs all the time and I am in love with all your films. You are truly the most amazing entertainer of this generation. I’m trying to get you some trending topics on Twitter just for you, which by the way, would it be ok if I ask that you follow me on Twitter. Take care and enjoy your birthday with the people around you and the coconuts. Can’t say this enough but I LOVE YOU! MAMA LOVE? We all love you from here to the stars above. Love you!

Jason B. (Twitter: JBinAV)


Happy Bday Jen!
I´ve been listening to your music and watching your movies since I was 13 years old. I could not speak one word English when i joined BB and that was 10 years ago, even without knowing one word English I loved your music. I love you and your work. I love you because your just plain awesome, you are a strong woman and i admire that.
Still when I listen to your music it makes me happy even when Iam going through really though times, therefor I thank you with all my heart. Keep on going, we: all the fans from BB love your work and will go on supporting you!
If one day you decided to tour I will be the first in line!

Sana From the Netherlands


To my American Idol; JENNIFER LOPEZ!
Once a year I get the chance
To wish you birthday cheer.
It pleases me no end to say,
I wish you another great year.
So happy birthday to you Jennifer,
From the bottom of my heart.
And may your good times multiply,
Till they’re flying off the chart!

Happy Birthday, with lots and lots of love

Anthony, in Ireland


I just wanted to say thanks for being you and being involved in so many different things especially the ones that involve women, children, healthcare, and education. You are such an amazing example to so many people all over the world and I hope that you know that!!! You bring joy to the world when you smile and laugh! I am so proud to be one of your fans. Keep doing what you are doing! We here at BB love and support you no matter what happens along the way the good and the bad. I hope that you get to enjoy your day with your little coconuts, family, and friends! Happy Birthday!!!!
With Love,

Sarah W., KS Twitter: Sarah1033


Jennifer!!!   Happy birthday, baby! I wish you nothing but the best of the best…you deserve it. It’s such an honor to be one of your fans. You have no idea how much I love and admire you for not just your wonderful talents, but who you are as a person and your beautiful soul. I’m turning 24 soon and I’ve been a fan since I was in middle school…and there’s just something about you that puts you at the top of the list from all these other Hollywood stars…other than the most beautiful, you are the one with the biggest heart and love!!

You have a place in my heart and never forget the love your family and fans have for you. Even though I don’t personally know you, I want to let you know I pray for you all the time. Keep on doing your thing and don’t stop! Your fans will always be here to support you!

PS- I’m saving $ to have you come and sing at my wedding soon! LOL!   love you beautiful. Happy birthday!

Natalie from Miami


To The Dearest: Jennifer Lopez,

Jennifer, J-Lo, Jenny also these but something else, my sister!
It is such a nice journey with you and among these years I always felt that you a part of my life. I cried with you I laughed with you or the other way around you were there with me through good and bad. I call you my sister because I feel like I know you after all these years.. I grow up with you..

I’m wishing you a very very happy birthday deep from my heart, adding a hug like I always wanted to do since 1999.
You can only imagine how much inspiration you are to us, to me. You are so talented, so beautiful/cute, no need to mention your lovely personality! Also you are so strong! You never give up about what you are going to do. The words you speak through out the magazines or interviews sometimes even rings my ears when I feel so down, “You can accomplish anything you put your mind to.”

So I just wanted to say Thank You for being who you are Jennifer, thank you for making me smile everytime I hear your voice. I love love love love love you soooo much! Words can’t describe how much you mean to me, neither this poor attemp of writing with held up feelings up in the throat.
Hope to meet you someday and sing along to your songs in the crowd.

Through good and bad we are with you no matter what, you be happy because our Love for YOU could Run The World!


Tugce G. G. (24)


Dear Jennifer,

Ive been a fan of yours for 12yrs and counting and I just wanna say thank you for always being you. You are never afraid to do what you feel is right regardless of what others may say or think. Ive been riding with you through all your good times & bad times & will always continue to do so im a fan of yours for life! Happy Birthday Jennifer!!

Love you always,

Melody H. (Jensmelody) Twitter: Tatimamaz



Happy Bday Jenny!
i hope all your dreams become true, i wish you all the joy and happiness of the world, you deserve it all!

i just wanted to thank you for everything that you’ve done for us!
you teached us to be strong, to believe in ourselves, to be brave, i grew up with your music, and everytime i listen to a song of yours it gives me the same emotions of the 1st time i heard it!
you are a special girl, your smile is the light of my dark days, your voice gives me chills, your music can make me step into another world and i can forget about everything!
I CANT BELIEVE HEAVEN LET AN ANGEL CAME DOWN TO EARTH, because you mami are an angel, the sweetest angel, and Max and Emme have to be very proud of you!

Maybe you don’t know, but you gave me the best days of my life in 2009 in Rome when i met you, FINALLY i met you!
I dont think you remember me, i was at the airport with the On The 6 album ( i was the boy who partecipated at the fanbook project! ), then i met you outside the Yamamay store and the last day outside your hotel…( if i’m not wrong i’m in the video tape of your journey outside your hotel screaming with another fan: JENNIFER I LOVE YOU!! with a Puertorican flag ahaha ) well i remember perfectly these days and i won’t never forget them!

In this pic you can see me and my bestfriend ( Melissa Lopez ) and we are giving you our hearts!
we love you so much, you are always an inspiration for us to be better day by day!


Jamez Twitter: Jamez_Lo


I think all the previous members already wrote what i meant to write, but anyway, i just wanna thank you for being such an important and beautiful part of my life: You, even not knowing me, helped me to be a better person, and i thank you for everything.

Happy Birthday and God Bless you.



Happy Birthday Jen!!!

Hope you have a great day today – celebrating with your family and friends

I wish you all the best for the future!!

I also wanna thank you for everything you did. You‘re such a great role model for so many people from around the world. You show us every day that we can achieve everything if we just work hard enough for our dreams. It‘s unbelievable to see what you already achieved in your life. I have so much respect for you!!
You know what? I never thought I could like somebody so much if I don‘t know the person personally – well, I learned in the years since I‘m a fan of yours that it can be really easy to love you – even thought I probably will never meet you.
I‘m not only a fan of your work but I also really like you as a person!! Don‘t change for anybody – we love you exactly the way you are!! You are who you are and that makes you special
It‘s exciting for us all to see what you have up your sleeves for us in 2011/2012 – you know we always support you!!
Btw. a World Tour would be amazing!! I wanna feel the energy of yours and the people in the crowd – I wanna dance to your songs – I wanna sing along with you .. that‘s my biggest dream. Hope you will make it happen one day

Anyways I actually just wanted to say to you that I love you – no question mark needed

Nobody brings momma down!!

A big hug and kiss for the most amazing Birthday girl – Jen!!

Love u momma!!

PS: You‘re JLovers from around the world did this fan dance project video to On The Floor a few months ago – hope you like it

Miriam, Germany


Hi Jennifer!!! I just wanted to wish you a blessed and wonderful birthday!!! Thank you so much for all the wonderful things you do for others, through your music, words, dancing and just by being you. I’ve been a fan for many years and will always be a fan of yours til the end.

Again, happy birthday and I wish you 42+ years of more blessings and love. Hope you have a chance to relax and enjoy it with your family, especially Max and Emme.


Jasmine (LoveMarie18) from Chatham, Virginia Twitter: jasminewilson87


Happy Birthday Jen!!! I love you so much. Be always happy! I admire and loveeeee? youuuu! Wish you all the best on your B’Day!

Love you always!

Katya, Ukrain


Hi Jennifer,

I’m Phuong G. from Vietnam, Asia.

I’ve been a JLovers since 2008, not so long in comparison with the others, but I feel like I’m a JLovers for life. Jennifer, I’m not only love you as a singer or an actress but also a loving Mom, a passionate worker and an independent woman, and of course, the most beautiful woman in the world. I adore you, Jennifer. I just wanna be just like you somedays. Is it hard? Of course it is, but I do believe I can do it. You teach me “to be BRAVE” and I’ll be brave to persue my dreams.

Be happy, be yourself – be the one be loved by all of us, forever. God bless you and the twins, Max and Emme.

Phuong G. from Vietnam, Asia


Hey Jen!

Happy birthday! Wishing you all the best in the world!
I hope you continue doing what you do…Love you!!

DANA (sweetface nuyorican) from Melbourne, Australia


Happy Birthday Miss “Jenny from the Block”. Thanks for all you have done for the kids in the Boys and Girls club of America. I know you inspired so many people and still do every day (even with everything that is going on). For that, so many are grateful. You are a strong and independent woman and you have/are teaching so many of us to follow our dreams, dream big and fight for what you believe in. Beautiful.

I hope you have an awesome and special day today. It is your day. Hope it is spent with the ones you love and those who will lift you up and put you on the pedestal all of us should be on for our birthdays

Happy Birthday Ms. Jennifer Lopez! YOU ROCK! (Hope to see you on a tour soon!)


Meagan T.


Sending you (my favorite person ever!) the warmest, fuzziest, happiest, most hopeful wishes from Ohio.
Happy 42nd Birthday Jennifer!


DeAna (ArtistFormerlyKnownasJlo)


Happy 2 MILLION Twitter followers to Jennifer Lopez!

Our girl has now crossed the 2 million follower count on Twitter this evening! She previously reached 1 million followers on January 25 of this same year!

Keep the JLOVE going strong and refer all of your friends to Jennifer’s official site and social media accounts: /

AND make sure stay connected by bookmarking the following Beyond Beautiful accounts!


Interview w/ Taj Stansberry: Director of ‘On The Floor’

Last Friday, we had the opportunity to interview Taj Stansberry, the director of Jennifer Lopez’s “On The Floor” video! The video has been a huge hit! Not only did 26.6 million viewers see it on American Idol (it was the most watched Thursday on any network in four years) but over 13 million viewers have watched the video on Vevo since Thursday’s premiere!

He had a lot to tell us about the process and the video itself. He shared so many great details that we couldn’t edit it down. So, here is our interview in its entirety. We hope you all enjoy it!


Exclusive Interview with: The One, The Only, Our Icon; Jennifer Lopez!

Leading up to The Back-up Plan‘s press conference and the incredible interviews lined up ahead of us, the and team of administrators mulled over creative ideas and gathered questions to be covered. We knew we had to prepare, push, and conquer to bring you a completely epic event. It has taken many years and hard work to get to this point, and we can only hope you have had a fun ride leading up to this day; whether you’ve been around for years, or are just now joining our community. We hope many more amazing things will keep happening around here, but know that we can’t do it without you and your support!

We won’t keep you waiting any longer – drum roll please!
