American Idol: Top 12 Girls

A new episode of American Idol aired last night. The top 12 girls took the stage to convince the American public to vote them into the top 10.

Jennifer looked absolutely stunning! I think this is my favorite look so far. Jennifer seemed to be feeling more comfortable critiquing performances last night, so that was also nice to see. Here’s a recap:

Remember to tune in tonight at 8 pm on Fox! The ‘On The Floor’ video will premiere during the show!

Join the JLO Flash Mob! – March 3 @TheGroveLA

If you are anywhere near the Los Angeles area this Thursday, March 3 be sure to make it out to The Grove! Jennifer’s own lead dancer, Christopher Grant, will be teaching the choreography to the “On The Floor” video from 1:30p to 4:30p – No dance experience required! Then later that evening, YOU get to perform LIVE for Jennifer when she visits with Extra’s Mario Lopez! Plus, you may even get a chance to meet Jennifer and ask her a question on stage!

This event will be filmed for Extra and will air on March 4, so set your DVR’s!

All the details on BB!

American Idol’s Top 12 Boys

The first episode on the official American Idol set aired last night! Jennifer looked fabulous, as always, and delivered her critiques with enthusiasm and honesty. She showed a lot of her personality, and even joked with a contestant, saying, “All that hair tossing is more than me and Beyonce put together in the past 10 years!”

Ryan Seacrest officially introduced the new judges last night, so here’s a video of that:

Remember, the top 12 girls will be performing tonight at 8 pm. The results will be announced on Thursday, and the “On The Floor” video will also premiere during the show!


*Screen cap byBBer shanti

Ask Anything with Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez will be on the Saturday Night Online radio show on March 12! She will be sitting down with DJ Romeo to answer fan submitted questions!

Submit your questions now and tune into on March 12th @ 8pm (replay at 11pm) to see if your questions get answered! Romeo’s show is broadcast to 40 stations across the US, but you can also listen to the show via their website or iheartradio.

Fans can submit their questions here:

As you may recall, Jennifer also chatted with fans recently via a KTU Radio chat. She answered a bunch of BBer’s questions and even shouted us out!

New “On The Floor” Teaser!

Extra TV posted a new teaser clip from Jennifer Lopez’s upcoming video for her single, On The Floor.  The video premieres on American Idol & Vevo on March 3rd. As a reminder, you can vote for the ending to the video on American Idol’s site.  Vote quickly, though, because voting will close tonight!

Los Angeles fans: Jennifer will be at The Grove in LA on Thursday at 7:30 pm! Mario Lopez will be interviewing her live for Extra, so if you are in the area, here’s your chance to see her!

In other On The Floor news, the song is currently #5 on the iTunes charts in the US. If you haven’t done so already, support Jennifer and buy the song now!