Reminder: American Idol Airs Tonight!

An all new episode of American Idol airs tonight, so don’t forget to tune in! There are a couple of noteworthy Idol tidbits in the news that I wanted to mention.

First, a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 52% of American Adults have a favorable opinion of singer-actress Jennifer Lopez, making her the most popular of the three judges. That’s awesome! Go Jennifer!

Second, Idol’s exec producer, Nigel Lythgoe, confirmed that Jennifer will perform on the show at some point this season. We assumed that would be the case, but it’s nice to get a confirmation! We definitely can’t wait to see that!

Finally, here’s a cute behind the scenes video of Jennifer as she interviews her Idol costars after last week’s show:

Tune in at 8 pm on Fox to see the top 12 contestants perform and to see what our (and America’s!) favorite judge has to say about each one.

More Second Single News!

Blabbeando interviewed Jennifer yesterday and she revealed some new information regarding upcoming singles as well as more information about her upcoming album, Love? due in late May. Here’s an excerpt:


JENNIFER LOPEZ – For me, when I go to do my music, there’s always gonna be a mix of all the things that I am. I’m a Puerto Rican girl from the Bronx. You know what I mean? And here’s always gonna be a mix of dance and urban in my stuff – and pop music – so once you throw all that stuff into the bag then it’s all about me just being myself.

So whenever I work with different producers – I worked with RedOne on a lot of the tracks in the album – and with him it was like ‘Let’s do some great dance tracks’. When I worked with Tricky and Dream, I went to them and I said ‘Let’s do my kind of more urbany-feel pop-record’ and I go to different producers for different things – but it all has to be very ‘me’.

It doesn’t work with every single producer you go in there with, you know what I mean? [laughs]. You go in there and nothing happens. But sometimes, like with RedOne or Tricky and Dream you go in there and in a week you make five, six, seven records. And with the records that actually worked, that are in the album – a lot of Tricky and Dream, a lot of RedOne – those are the ones that you have a lot of chemistry with.

BLABBEANDO – Now, going back to the album: What’s the next single? Have you decided on that? Will there be different singles released to the Latino market and the American market?

JENNIFER LOPEZ – Well, we have a lot of plans for the album as things go along. We have three different choices that we can do as a second single and it’s really hard for us to choose. We think we know what we are doing and then at the last minute we might change it [laughs]. But we are shooting a video very soon with Li’l Wayne on one song called “I’m Into You” but there’s another song called “Papi” and there’s another song called “Run the World”. So there are a few songs that we are thinking about as a second single. And we might release some simultaneously: Some are more urban, some are more dance. And, also, we are releasing very soon – or if it’s not released already, I don’t even know if it happened in the past day or two – the Spanish version of “On the Floor”…

BLABBEANDO – That’s great…

JENNIFER LOPEZ – Pitbull did a new version of his rap in Spanish and I re-sang the whole thing in Spanish as well. We are gonna do a Spanglish version where we mix in the Spanish. And then we are probably gonna do a whole Spanish version of the album. So – We have a lot of plans for it.

You can read the entire interview here.

In an interview with B. Scott yesterday, Jennifer revealed that they are trying to decide between three songs to release; one with a “Caribbean kind of dance feel, one with a kind of urban feel, and a straight dance RedOne track”. So it looks like they haven’t quite decided what order to release them in. However, we’ll hear at least one or two before the album comes out in late May! You can listen to that interview here:

Vote For ‘On The Floor’ on 106 & Park!

JLo’s ‘On The Floor’ video made its debut on BET’s video countdown show 106 & Park last week! Make sure you vote for the video everyday and then watch to see if it made the countdown! 106 & Park airs weekdays on BET at 6pm!

Vote here:

Jen wants you to vote, too, so make sure you do it! It will literally take you 5 seconds.

[blackbirdpie url=”!/JLo/status/47347194268880896″]

Second Single News & More

Jennifer Lopez answered fan’s questions on Saturday Night Online tonight and revealed a lot of new information! First, the 2nd single off of Love? will likely be a song called “I’m Into You” featuring Lil Wayne!

Jennifer also revealed that she wants to work on a dramatic film role next, or possibly a musical! She also said a greatest hits album, original Spanish album, and a Spanish version of Love? are all in the works. She hopes to tour, as well, so cross your fingers, everyone! It sounds like a ton of great stuff is coming up!

You can watch the entire interview here: