American Idol Kicks Off in Savannah, GA!

American Idol kicked off last night with the Savannah, GA auditions. You may recall that they filmed this portion of the show back in August. It was a great premiere with a lot of talent and hilarious moments.  Jennifer looked stunning, of course, and her facial expressions and comments are always great to watch.

Don’t forget to tune in tonight, as the judges make their way to Pittsburgh, PA (which also happens to be the city where one of our meet and greets with Jennifer took place!).

If you missed it, check out the video recap:

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Reminder: American Idol Premieres Tonight!

It’s finally here! American Idol will premiere tonight at 8 PM on Fox! Don’t forget to tune in and watch Jennifer Lopez and her Idol co-stars, Steven Tyler, Randy Jackson, and Ryan Seacrest as they begin their search for the next American Idol!

To celebrate, here are scans of their recent TvGuide cover:

Plus, a video of the judging trio discussing Season 12…..
