Jennifer Lopez Officially Exits American Idol

Jennifer called into On Air with Ryan Seacrest earlier today to discuss the release of her new film, Ice Age: Continental Drift. Of course, the majority of their conversation revolved around American Idol, and whether or not Jennifer would be back for another season. Jennifer became emotional talking about the difficulty of her decision, saying “It’s really going to be hard for me to go. It’s one of those special things in your life that you just don’t want to walk away from.”  But, ultimately, Jennifer has made the decision to move on:

“I honestly feel like the time has come that I have to get back to doing the other things I do that I’ve put, kind of, on hold because I love Idol so much…I have a lot of other responsibilities… and I have to pay attention to that, too[…]I feel like we had an amazing run […] No matter what you guys need over there, I’m always going to be here[…] I feel there’s that tie there. I just don’t know if I can be there every single day, all the time, like they way it has been the last two years.”

Fox has yet to release a statement. We’ll keep you guys posted!

What do you think of Jennifer’s decision? Sound off on BB.

Ice Age: Continental Drift In Theaters Today!!

Ice Age: Continental Drift, featuring Jennifer Lopez as Shira, a sabre-tooth tiger, is in theaters today! The film has been a huge hit worldwide, grossing over $200 million in foreign markets so far.

Watch the clip below to see Jennifer and her cast mates record a song for the film, called “We Are Family”. You can also watch Jennifer talk about her role, voice acting & why she chose to do the part, plus see her work in the studio here.

JLo On The Today Show!

Jennifer Lopez appeared on TODAY this morning to promote her newest movie, Ice Age: Continental Drift! She talked about her character, Shira, whether or not she’s going to sign up for another season of American Idol, her world tour, and US tour with Enrique Iglesias.

In reference to the Idol rumors, Jennifer said:

“It’s been on my mind a lot, as you can imagine. You know, I signed on to ‘American Idol’ to do one year, and … I wound up doing the two years. And now it’s like, ‘OK, do we continue on this journey?’ I’ve loved it so much. I enjoy the show so much. I enjoy just the whole process of the show and the whole thing. So it’s a tough decision either way. But I have to say that there are so many other things that I do, and that I put on hold for that. At the end of the day, whichever way, it’s a heartbreaking decision if I’m going to have to go.”

Jennifer covered a lot of ground in this interview, so check it out above!