JLo Receives Her Star On The Walk of Fame!

Earlier today Jennifer Lopez received the historic 2500th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!!! It was a great event with Jennifer’s friends, family, and colleagues who influenced her career in major ways all in attendance. There was a mob of over 1,000 very excited fans on hand, as well! Fans began waiting in line at 4 AM to make sure they got a front row look at the 11:30 AM ceremony. (Of course, the first JLovers in line were BBJLovers!)

Many people who were instrumental in getting Jennifer to this momentous occasion spoke prior to the big star unveiling. First up was Benny Medina, Jennifer’s long-time manager, who declared that “Jenny From The Block has a new address!”  Gregory Nava and Keenan Ivory Wayans, who gave her opportunities when others doubted her, also spoke. Jane Fonda, who Jennifer referred to as “legendary”, said, “Most of the stars on this Hollywood Walk of Fame are for a person that has one talent. To tell you the truth, she should have a whole block of stars.” Finally, Pitbull, her “kindred spirit” took the stage, saying, “She didn’t break down doors, she broke down barriers, boundaries, cultures, countries, the Earth, and planets.”

After all of their lovely speeches, Jennifer delivered a great speech, thanking those who helped her achieve all that she has accomplished, including her JLovers! Jennifer tried incredibly hard not to cry throughout her speech. She ended it beautifully, saying, “The path I’ve taken from the streets of the Bronx to this moment on Hollywood Blvd is paved with the love and support of my family, friends, the family I’ve created working, my glam fam – who are always in the background never wanting the spotlight – and of course, you, all the fans! Thank you so much for going on this journey with me. Today, this landmark moment inspires me to work harder and dream bigger for all that is the future. I hope you feel as I do that it was all worth it and I hope that I have touched your hearts even in a small way like the gigantic way that you have touched mine. Thank you so much.”


Jennifer’s Speech:

Other Speeches:

Watch the entire ceremony here.

Fans Can Attend JLo’s Walk of Fame Ceremony in LA!

LA JLovers! Jennifer Lopez’s Walk of Fame ceremony will take place THIS Thursday, and fans are welcome to attend! Jennifer’s star is being prepped ahead of the ceremony, which will take place on Thursday, June 20 at 11 AM on the corner of Hollywood and Vine. Jennifer will of course, appear live, and she wants to see all her LA fans there, so make it a point to attend! This is a huge honor and a permanent record of Jennifer’s status as a music icon!

Here’s a copy of the invite:
