JLo Planning Greatest Hits Album!

Jennifer Lopez’s vocal producer, Kuk Harrell, recently spoke with MTV News about his work with Jennifer. Kuk, who also worked with Jen on LOVE?, revealed that he received a call to work on an upcoming Greatest Hits album just last week, saying:

“I just got the call a week ago that the greatest-hits album for Jennifer Lopez is coming up. Now I’m just waiting for them to put on the schedule [and] let me know what songs we’re actually cutting and stuff like that […] I think [when] I find out what the direction is, I will definitely go in the lab. I will get in the lab with Tricky Stewart and The-Dream and see what we can come up with for it.”

You can watch his brief interview here:

There’s been a lot of talk about a Greatest Hits album, so it’s nice to see that things are moving forward!