JLo Performs On American Idol w/ Pitbull – BBers show #JLOVE

I had the opportunity to attend the live taping of Jennifer Lopez’s American Idol performance and was not disappointed as I saw the precision present in her dance moves and that fire in her eyes. She showed us that she still wants that top spot on the charts, BAD! Check out the video from tonight’s performance below:

The energy on the stage was insane and the audience showed her nothing but JLOVE! Go on for all the performance ‘behind-the-scenes’ juice and all about her BB shout-out! A few minutes before Jennifer took to the stage we were taught the ‘On The Floor’ chorus routine; the ‘pump, pump’ of fists, the ‘reach, reach’, and the ‘wipe the brows’. The moves helped electrify and connect the audience.

The American Idol production team buzzed about the stage positioning the audience and making sure the cameras captured every bit of the performance. They assured us there were a few surprises in store during the performance! When the cameras and audience where finally  in place, rapper Pitbull and the dancers took their mark and the familiar melody drifted out of the booming system. A mash-up of images from the ‘On The Floor’ and ‘I’m Into You’ videos were projected onto the giant screens all over the set. Then, the stage burned red and seconds later, there she was in all her sparkling glory!

Let me tell you about her dance outfit – ridiculously HOT! She worked it in, what I thought was, a super-charged sparkling gold version of ‘The Diamond’s outfit from the song’s video. She was lit-up at the shoulders and down the arms. Her unbelievable midriff catching the lights with every move. The sequined harem pants highlighted her steps atop bejeweled booties. As she stopped to perform on the rising platform, the wind blew through her tousled golden tresses and lasers of all colors danced around her.

If there’s one thing a JLo performance is sure to have is ALL the bells and whistles! In tonight’s case, this key performance on the top-rated TV show boasting a multi-million audience viewership could not have been complete with any less than top-notch imagery, special effects (the breaking glass moment is NOT to be missed!), and expert showmanship. Jennifer Lopez knows how to pick her dancers I tell you; these ‘bodies of work’ effortlessly heated up that stage! I recognized at least 3 of the dancers tonight as they have stomped the floor by Jen’s side in previous performances, videos as well as on her 2007 tour.

Reading some tweets that rolled in tonight during the performance, like this one from ‘Billboard’, stood out to me simply because it was exactly what went through my mind during the taping and I knew once the performance aired audiences would be quite impressed!

[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/#!/Billboarddotcom/status/66301106413772800″]

There were too many highlights from the night to be able to pick just one. The dance routine was SICK; especially during the “pick yo body up and drop it on the floor” part! I also know I’m not alone in saying that a Jennifer Lopez performance is never complete without a HOT dance break. She gave it all to us, and I’m sure more than just MY own jaw were literally ‘On The Floor’ tonight!

Pitbull’s performance was a welcome treat! ‘Mr. 305’ is definitely skilled at getting the ladies moving off their seats. In between takes, he worked the crowd through very close interaction and a few girls in the audience got quite the personal ‘thank you’ from the rapper; a kiss on the cheek.

As, we’ve seen in past Idol episodes, Marc Anthony can be seen on-hand offstage giving the hopefuls performance guidance. Tonight, he hung out in the audience with song-writer and producer Kuk Harrell, and was seen a few times on-stage giving Jen his nurturing support – like when he kissed her hand after she cut it during the breaking glass part of the performance. But, guess who was also in attendance this evening? Non-other than Jennifer and Marc’s twins, Emme & Max! The beautiful babies sat-in to witness their Mom’s performance. I’m telling you, the energy in this place was completely amazing!

My excitement would hit epic proportions just as Jennifer spotted the ‘Beyond Beautiful’ sign we rushed to make for the grand event! The 3 by 4 foot banner read: “JLO U ARE BEYOND BEAUTIFUL! WE LOVE? U!!”

Just as Jen hit the front platform one more time to thank the audience for coming, she looked to her left, pointed our way and screamed out in delight: “I see you!! BEYOND BEAUTIFUL is in the house!!!! Thank you guys, I love you!”

I was honored to represent BB and to show her that our JLOVE was definitely present for her! Let’s keep showing her shall we?

JLo’s ‘LOVE?’ album is in stores NOW at all your major retailers, on iTunes Deluxe LOVE? & Standard LOVE? AND on Amazon: Deluxe LOVE? & Standard LOVE?


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