Americal Idol’s TCA Panel

Fox held an American Idol panel at the Television Critics Association tour today. Jennifer Lopez and her castmates, Steven Tyler, Jimmy Iovine, Randy Jackson, and Ryan Seacrest joined her on stage with producers Nigel Lythgoe, Ken Warwick, Cecile Frot-Coutaz, and Mike Darnelll.

All of them were on hand to discuss everything American Idol and Jennifer even revealed that she has an album (Love?) coming out later this year, along with a MOVIE. No word on what movie that is, but we’ll let everyone know as soon as we hear!

Here are a few choice quotes:

“I’ve been through so much, where else could I put it to good use? It’s more fun than I thought it would be.” – on why she joined Idol.

“I don’t know how it would feel to be anything else” – when asked how it feels to be a Latina on Idol.

“I can only be myself on the show, I’m not gonna try and play it up; it’s always worked for me. The public see me and that I’m real. I’m a girl who likes to get dressed up.” – when asked if Middle America will be able to connect with her different looks on the show.

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